Source code for

import asyncio
import logging
import uuid
import warnings
import weakref
from typing import List, Optional

import dask

from dask_cloudprovider.utils.logs import Log, Logs
from dask_cloudprovider.utils.timeout import Timeout
from import (

from distributed.deploy.spec import SpecCluster
from distributed.utils import warn_on_duration
from distributed.core import Status

    from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
    from aiobotocore.session import get_session
except ImportError as e:
    msg = (
        "Dask Cloud Provider AWS requirements are not installed.\n\n"
        "Please either conda or pip install as follows:\n\n"
        "  conda install -c conda-forge dask-cloudprovider       # either conda install\n"
        '  pip install "dask-cloudprovider[aws]" --upgrade       # or python -m pip install'
    raise ImportError(msg) from e

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "createdBy": "dask-cloudprovider"
}  # Package tags to apply to all resources

class Task:
    """A superclass for managing ECS Tasks

    client: Callable[str]
        Function to create an aiobotocore client on demand
        These will be used to interact with the AWS API.

    cluster_arn: str
        The ARN of the ECS cluster to launch the task in.

    task_definition_arn: str
        The ARN of the task definition that this object should use to launch

    vpc_subnets: List[str]
        The VPC subnets to use for the ENI that will be created when launching
        this task.

    security_groups: List[str]
        The security groups to attach to the ENI that will be created when
        launching this task.

    fargate: bool
        Whether or not to launch on Fargate.

    environment: dict
        Environment variables to set when launching the task.

    tags: str
        AWS resource tags to be applied to any resources that are created.

    name: str (optional)
        Name for the task. Currently used for the --namecommand line argument to dask-worker.

    platform_version: str (optional)
        Version of the AWS Fargate platform to use, e.g. "1.4.0" or "LATEST". This
        setting has no effect for the EC2 launch type.

    fargate_use_private_ip: bool (optional)
        Whether to use a private IP (if True) or public IP (if False) with Fargate.
        Defaults to False, i.e. public IP.

    fargate_capacity_provider: str (optional)
        If cluster is launched on Fargate with `fargate_spot=True`, use this capacity provider
        (should be either `FARGATE` or `FARGATE_SPOT`).
        If not set, `launchType=FARGATE` will be used.
        Defaults to None.

    task_kwargs: dict (optional)
        Additional keyword arguments for the ECS task.

        Any additional kwargs which may need to be stored for later use.

    See Also

    def __init__(
        self.lock = asyncio.Lock()
        self._client = client = name
        self.cluster_arn = cluster_arn
        self.task_definition_arn = task_definition_arn
        self.task = None
        self.task_arn = None
        self.task_type = None
        self.public_ip = None
        self.private_ip = None
        self.connection = None
        self._overrides = {}
        self._vpc_subnets = vpc_subnets
        self._security_groups = security_groups
        self.fargate = fargate
        self.environment = environment or {}
        self.tags = tags
        self.platform_version = platform_version
        self._fargate_use_private_ip = fargate_use_private_ip
        self._fargate_capacity_provider = fargate_capacity_provider
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.task_kwargs = task_kwargs
        self.status = Status.created

    def __await__(self):
        async def _():
            async with self.lock:
                if not self.task:
                    await self.start()
                    assert self.task
            return self

        return _().__await__()

    def _use_public_ip(self):
        return self.fargate and not self._fargate_use_private_ip

    async def _is_long_arn_format_enabled(self):
        async with self._client("ecs") as ecs:
            [response] = (
                await ecs.list_account_settings(
                    name="taskLongArnFormat", effectiveSettings=True
        return response["value"] == "enabled"

    async def _update_task(self):
        async with self._client("ecs") as ecs:
            wait_duration = 1
            while True:
                    [self.task] = (
                        await ecs.describe_tasks(
                            cluster=self.cluster_arn, tasks=[self.task_arn]
                except ClientError as e:
                    if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ThrottlingException":
                        wait_duration = min(wait_duration * 2, 20)
                await asyncio.sleep(wait_duration)

    async def _task_is_running(self):
        await self._update_task()
        return self.task["lastStatus"] == "RUNNING"

    async def start(self):
        timeout = Timeout(60, "Unable to start %s after 60 seconds" % self.task_type)
                kwargs = self.task_kwargs.copy() if self.task_kwargs is not None else {}

                # Tags are only supported if you opt into long arn format so we need to check for that
                if await self._is_long_arn_format_enabled():
                    kwargs["tags"] = dict_to_aws(self.tags)
                if self.platform_version and self.fargate:
                    kwargs["platformVersion"] = self.platform_version

                        "cluster": self.cluster_arn,
                        "taskDefinition": self.task_definition_arn,
                        "overrides": {
                            "containerOverrides": [
                                    "name": "dask-{}".format(self.task_type),
                                    "environment": dict_to_aws(
                                        self.environment, key_string="name"
                        "count": 1,
                        "networkConfiguration": {
                            "awsvpcConfiguration": {
                                "subnets": self._vpc_subnets,
                                "securityGroups": self._security_groups,
                                "assignPublicIp": "ENABLED"
                                if self._use_public_ip
                                else "DISABLED",

                # Set launchType to FARGATE only if self.fargate. Otherwise, don't set this
                # so that the default capacity provider of the ECS cluster or an alternate
                # capacity provider can be specified. (dask/dask-cloudprovider#261)
                if self.fargate:
                    # Use launchType only if capacity provider is not specified
                    if not self._fargate_capacity_provider:
                        kwargs["launchType"] = "FARGATE"
                        kwargs["capacityProviderStrategy"] = [
                            {"capacityProvider": self._fargate_capacity_provider}

                async with self._client("ecs") as ecs:
                    response = await ecs.run_task(**kwargs)

                if not response.get("tasks"):
                    raise RuntimeError(response)  # print entire response

                [self.task] = response["tasks"]
            except Exception as e:
                await asyncio.sleep(1)

        self.task_arn = self.task["taskArn"]
        while self.task["lastStatus"] in ["PENDING", "PROVISIONING"]:
            await self._update_task()
        if not await self._task_is_running():
            raise RuntimeError("%s failed to start" % type(self).__name__)
        [eni] = [
            for attachment in self.task["attachments"]
            if attachment["type"] == "ElasticNetworkInterface"
        [network_interface_id] = [
            for detail in eni["details"]
            if detail["name"] == "networkInterfaceId"
        async with self._client("ec2") as ec2:
            eni = await ec2.describe_network_interfaces(
        [interface] = eni["NetworkInterfaces"]
        if self._use_public_ip:
            self.public_ip = interface["Association"]["PublicIp"]
        self.private_ip = interface["PrivateIpAddresses"][0]["PrivateIpAddress"]
        self.status = Status.running

    async def close(self, **kwargs):
        if self.task:
            async with self._client("ecs") as ecs:
                await ecs.stop_task(cluster=self.cluster_arn, task=self.task_arn)
            await self._update_task()
            while self.task["lastStatus"] in ["RUNNING"]:
                await asyncio.sleep(1)
                await self._update_task()
        self.status = Status.closed

    def task_id(self):
        return self.task_arn.split("/")[-1]

    def _log_stream_name(self):
        return "{prefix}/{container}/{task_id}".format(

    async def logs(self, follow=False):
        current_try = 0
        next_token = None
        read_from = 0

        while True:
                async with self._client("logs") as logs:
                    if next_token:
                        l = await logs.get_log_events(
                        l = await logs.get_log_events(
                if next_token != l["nextForwardToken"]:
                    next_token = l["nextForwardToken"]
                    next_token = None
                if not l["events"]:
                    if follow:
                        await asyncio.sleep(1)
                for event in l["events"]:
                    read_from = event["timestamp"]
                    yield event["message"]
            except ClientError as e:
                if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ThrottlingException":
                        "get_log_events rate limit exceeded, retrying after delay.",
                    backoff_duration = get_sleep_duration(current_try)
                    await asyncio.sleep(backoff_duration)
                    current_try += 1

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<ECS Task %s: status=%s>" % (type(self).__name__, self.status)

class Scheduler(Task):
    """A Remote Dask Scheduler controlled by ECS
    port: int
        The external port on which the scheduler will be listening.
        Note: If the task is launched with a default configuration, the internal and
        external port will be the same. Otherwise it is the caller's responsibility to
        set up the task such that the scheduler is reachable on this port.
    tls: bool
        Whether the scheduler is going to listen on TLS or not. This is to inform workers and clients trying
        to connect to the scheduler whether they should use TLS or not.
        This value needs to be consistent with any TLS configuration provided in `scheduler_extra_args`,
        otherwise the  cluster will not operate correctly.
    scheduler_timeout: str
        Time of inactivity after which to kill the scheduler.
    scheduler_extra_args: List[str] (optional)
        Any extra command line arguments to pass to dask-scheduler, e.g. ``["--tls-cert", "/path/to/cert.pem"]``

        Defaults to `None`, no extra command line arguments.
    kwargs: Dict()
        Other kwargs to be passed to :class:`Task`.

    See :class:`Task` for parameter info.

    def __init__(
        self, port, tls, scheduler_timeout, scheduler_extra_args=None, **kwargs
        self.port = port
        self.tls = tls
        self.task_type = "scheduler"
        self._overrides = {
            "command": [
            + (list() if not scheduler_extra_args else scheduler_extra_args)

    def address(self):
        ip = getattr(self, "private_ip", None)
        protocol = "tls" if self.tls else "tcp"
        return f"{protocol}://{ip}:{self.port}" if ip else None

    def external_address(self):
        ip = getattr(self, "public_ip", None)
        protocol = "tls" if self.tls else "tcp"
        return f"{protocol}://{ip}:{self.port}" if ip else None

class Worker(Task):
    """A Remote Dask Worker controlled by ECS
    scheduler: str
        The address of the scheduler

    kwargs: Dict()
        Other kwargs to be passed to :class:`Task`.

    def __init__(
        scheduler: str,
        cpu: int,
        mem: int,
        gpu: int,
        nthreads: Optional[int],
        extra_args: List[str],
        self.task_type = "worker"
        self.scheduler = scheduler
        self._cpu = cpu
        self._mem = mem
        self._gpu = gpu
        self._nthreads = nthreads
        self._overrides = {
            "command": [
                "dask-cuda-worker" if self._gpu else "dask-worker",
                    max(int(self._cpu / 1024), 1)
                    if nthreads is None
                    else self._nthreads
                "{}GB".format(int(self._mem / 1024)),
            + (list() if not extra_args else extra_args)

[docs]class ECSCluster(SpecCluster, ConfigMixin): """Deploy a Dask cluster using ECS This creates a dask scheduler and workers on an existing ECS cluster. All the other required resources such as roles, task definitions, tasks, etc will be created automatically like in :class:`FargateCluster`. Parameters ---------- fargate_scheduler: bool (optional) Select whether or not to use fargate for the scheduler. Defaults to ``False``. You must provide an existing cluster. fargate_workers: bool (optional) Select whether or not to use fargate for the workers. Defaults to ``False``. You must provide an existing cluster. fargate_spot: bool (optional) Select whether or not to run cluster using Fargate Spot with workers running on spot capacity. If `fargate_scheduler=True` and `fargate_workers=True`, this will make sure worker tasks will use `fargate_capacity_provider=FARGATE_SPOT` and scheduler task will use `fargate_capacity_provider=FARGATE` capacity providers. Defaults to ``False``. You must provide an existing cluster. image: str (optional) The docker image to use for the scheduler and worker tasks. Defaults to ``daskdev/dask:latest`` or ``rapidsai/rapidsai:latest`` if ``worker_gpu`` is set. scheduler_cpu: int (optional) The amount of CPU to request for the scheduler in milli-cpu (1/1024). Defaults to ``1024`` (one vCPU). See the `troubleshooting guide`_ for information on the valid values for this argument. scheduler_mem: int (optional) The amount of memory to request for the scheduler in MB. Defaults to ``4096`` (4GB). See the `troubleshooting guide`_ for information on the valid values for this argument. scheduler_timeout: str (optional) The scheduler task will exit after this amount of time if there are no clients connected. Defaults to ``5 minutes``. scheduler_port: int (optional) The port on which the scheduler should listen. Defaults to ``8786`` scheduler_extra_args: List[str] (optional) Any extra command line arguments to pass to dask-scheduler, e.g. ``["--tls-cert", "/path/to/cert.pem"]`` Defaults to `None`, no extra command line arguments. scheduler_task_definition_arn: str (optional) The arn of the task definition that the cluster should use to start the scheduler task. If provided, this will override the `image`, `scheduler_cpu`, `scheduler_mem`, any role settings, any networking / VPC settings, as these are all part of the task definition. Defaults to `None`, meaning that the task definition will be created along with the cluster, and cleaned up once the cluster is shut down. scheduler_task_kwargs: dict (optional) Additional keyword arguments for the scheduler ECS task. scheduler_address: str (optional) If passed, no scheduler task will be started, and instead the workers will connect to the passed address. Defaults to `None`, a scheduler task will start. worker_cpu: int (optional) The amount of CPU to request for worker tasks in milli-cpu (1/1024). Defaults to ``4096`` (four vCPUs). See the `troubleshooting guide`_ for information on the valid values for this argument. worker_nthreads: int (optional) The number of threads to use in each worker. Defaults to 1 per vCPU. worker_mem: int (optional) The amount of memory to request for worker tasks in MB. Defaults to ``16384`` (16GB). See the `troubleshooting guide`_ for information on the valid values for this argument. worker_gpu: int (optional) The number of GPUs to expose to the worker. To provide GPUs to workers you need to use a GPU ready docker image that has ``dask-cuda`` installed and GPU nodes available in your ECS cluster. Fargate is not supported at this time. Defaults to `None`, no GPUs. worker_task_definition_arn: str (optional) The arn of the task definition that the cluster should use to start the worker tasks. If provided, this will override the `image`, `worker_cpu`, `worker_mem`, any role settings, any networking / VPC settings, as these are all part of the task definition. Defaults to `None`, meaning that the task definition will be created along with the cluster, and cleaned up once the cluster is shut down. worker_extra_args: List[str] (optional) Any extra command line arguments to pass to dask-worker, e.g. ``["--tls-cert", "/path/to/cert.pem"]`` Defaults to `None`, no extra command line arguments. worker_task_kwargs: dict (optional) Additional keyword arguments for the workers ECS task. n_workers: int (optional) Number of workers to start on cluster creation. Defaults to ``None``. workers_name_start: int Name workers from here on. Defaults to `0`. workers_name_step: int Name workers by adding multiples of `workers_name_step` to `workers_name_start`. Default to `1`. cluster_arn: str (optional if fargate is true) The ARN of an existing ECS cluster to use for launching tasks. Defaults to ``None`` which results in a new cluster being created for you. cluster_name_template: str (optional) A template to use for the cluster name if ``cluster_arn`` is set to ``None``. Defaults to ``'dask-{uuid}'`` execution_role_arn: str (optional) The ARN of an existing IAM role to use for ECS execution. This ARN must have ``sts:AssumeRole`` allowed for ```` and allow the following permissions: - ``ecr:GetAuthorizationToken`` - ``ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability`` - ``ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer`` - ``ecr:GetRepositoryPolicy`` - ``ecr:DescribeRepositories`` - ``ecr:ListImages`` - ``ecr:DescribeImages`` - ``ecr:BatchGetImage`` - ``logs:*`` - ``ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress`` - ``ec2:Describe*`` - ``elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer`` - ``elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterTargets`` - ``elasticloadbalancing:Describe*`` - ``elasticloadbalancing:RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer`` - ``elasticloadbalancing:RegisterTargets`` Defaults to ``None`` (one will be created for you). task_role_arn: str (optional) The ARN for an existing IAM role for tasks to assume. This defines which AWS resources the dask workers can access directly. Useful if you need to read from S3 or a database without passing credentials around. Defaults to ``None`` (one will be created with S3 read permission only). task_role_policies: List[str] (optional) If you do not specify a ``task_role_arn`` you may want to list some IAM Policy ARNs to be attached to the role that will be created for you. E.g if you need your workers to read from S3 you could add ``arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess``. Default ``None`` (no policies will be attached to the role) cloudwatch_logs_group: str (optional) The name of an existing cloudwatch log group to place logs into. Default ``None`` (one will be created called ``dask-ecs``) cloudwatch_logs_stream_prefix: str (optional) Prefix for log streams. Defaults to the cluster name. cloudwatch_logs_default_retention: int (optional) Retention for logs in days. For use when log group is auto created. Defaults to ``30``. vpc: str (optional) The ID of the VPC you wish to launch your cluster in. Defaults to ``None`` (your default VPC will be used). subnets: List[str] (optional) A list of subnets to use when running your task. Defaults to ``None``. (all subnets available in your VPC will be used) security_groups: List[str] (optional) A list of security group IDs to use when launching tasks. Defaults to ``None`` (one will be created which allows all traffic between tasks and access to ports ``8786`` and ``8787`` from anywhere). environment: dict (optional) Extra environment variables to pass to the scheduler and worker tasks. Useful for setting ``EXTRA_APT_PACKAGES``, ``EXTRA_CONDA_PACKAGES`` and ```EXTRA_PIP_PACKAGES`` if you're using the default image. Defaults to ``None``. tags: dict (optional) Tags to apply to all resources created automatically. Defaults to ``None``. Tags will always include ``{"createdBy": "dask-cloudprovider"}`` skip_cleanup: bool (optional) Skip cleaning up of stale resources. Useful if you have lots of resources and this operation takes a while. Default ``False``. platform_version: str (optional) Version of the AWS Fargate platform to use, e.g. "1.4.0" or "LATEST". This setting has no effect for the EC2 launch type. Defaults to ``None`` fargate_use_private_ip: bool (optional) Whether to use a private IP (if True) or public IP (if False) with Fargate. Default ``False``. mount_points: list (optional) List of mount points as documented here: Default ``None``. volumes: list (optional) List of volumes as documented here: Default ``None``. mount_volumes_on_scheduler: bool (optional) Whether to also mount volumes in the scheduler task. Any volumes and mount points specified will always be mounted in worker tasks. This setting controls whether volumes are also mounted in the scheduler task. Default ``False``. **kwargs: dict Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``SpecCluster``. Examples -------- >>> from import ECSCluster >>> cluster = ECSCluster(cluster_arn="arn:aws:ecs:<region>:<acctid>:cluster/<clustername>") There is also support in ``ECSCluster`` for GPU aware Dask clusters. To do this you need to create an ECS cluster with GPU capable instances (from the ``g3``, ``p3`` or ``p3dn`` families) and specify the number of GPUs each worker task should have. >>> from import ECSCluster >>> cluster = ECSCluster( ... cluster_arn="arn:aws:ecs:<region>:<acctid>:cluster/<gpuclustername>", ... worker_gpu=1) By setting the ``worker_gpu`` option to something other than ``None`` will cause the cluster to run ``dask-cuda-worker`` as the worker startup command. Setting this option will also change the default Docker image to ``rapidsai/rapidsai:latest``, if you're using a custom image you must ensure the NVIDIA CUDA toolkit is installed with a version that matches the host machine along with ``dask-cuda``. .. _troubleshooting guide: ./troubleshooting.html#invalid-cpu-or-memory """ def __init__( self, fargate_scheduler=None, fargate_workers=None, fargate_spot=None, image=None, scheduler_cpu=None, scheduler_mem=None, scheduler_port=8786, scheduler_timeout=None, scheduler_extra_args=None, scheduler_task_definition_arn=None, scheduler_task_kwargs=None, scheduler_address=None, worker_cpu=None, worker_nthreads=None, worker_mem=None, worker_gpu=None, worker_extra_args=None, worker_task_definition_arn=None, worker_task_kwargs=None, n_workers=None, workers_name_start=0, workers_name_step=1, cluster_arn=None, cluster_name_template=None, execution_role_arn=None, task_role_arn=None, task_role_policies=None, cloudwatch_logs_group=None, cloudwatch_logs_stream_prefix=None, cloudwatch_logs_default_retention=None, vpc=None, subnets=None, security_groups=None, environment=None, tags=None, skip_cleanup=None, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None, region_name=None, platform_version=None, fargate_use_private_ip=False, mount_points=None, volumes=None, mount_volumes_on_scheduler=False, **kwargs, ): self._fargate_scheduler = fargate_scheduler self._fargate_workers = fargate_workers self._fargate_spot = fargate_spot self.image = image self._scheduler_cpu = scheduler_cpu self._scheduler_mem = scheduler_mem self._scheduler_port = scheduler_port self._scheduler_timeout = scheduler_timeout self._scheduler_extra_args = scheduler_extra_args self.scheduler_task_definition_arn = scheduler_task_definition_arn self._scheduler_task_definition_arn_provided = ( scheduler_task_definition_arn is not None ) self._scheduler_task_kwargs = scheduler_task_kwargs self._scheduler_address = scheduler_address self._worker_cpu = worker_cpu self._worker_nthreads = worker_nthreads self._worker_mem = worker_mem self._worker_gpu = worker_gpu self.worker_task_definition_arn = worker_task_definition_arn self._worker_task_definition_arn_provided = ( worker_task_definition_arn is not None ) self._worker_extra_args = worker_extra_args self._worker_task_kwargs = worker_task_kwargs self._n_workers = n_workers self._workers_name_start = workers_name_start self._workers_name_step = workers_name_step self.cluster_arn = cluster_arn self.cluster_name = None self._cluster_name_template = cluster_name_template self._execution_role_arn = execution_role_arn self._task_role_arn = task_role_arn self._task_role_policies = task_role_policies self.cloudwatch_logs_group = cloudwatch_logs_group self._cloudwatch_logs_stream_prefix = cloudwatch_logs_stream_prefix self._cloudwatch_logs_default_retention = cloudwatch_logs_default_retention self._vpc = vpc self._vpc_subnets = subnets self._security_groups = security_groups self._environment = environment self._tags = tags self._skip_cleanup = skip_cleanup self._fargate_use_private_ip = fargate_use_private_ip self._mount_points = mount_points self._volumes = volumes self._mount_volumes_on_scheduler = mount_volumes_on_scheduler self._aws_access_key_id = aws_access_key_id self._aws_secret_access_key = aws_secret_access_key self._region_name = region_name self._platform_version = platform_version self._lock = asyncio.Lock() self.session = get_session() super().__init__(**kwargs) def _client(self, name: str): return self.session.create_client( name, aws_access_key_id=self._aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=self._aws_secret_access_key, region_name=self._region_name, ) async def _start( self, ): while self.status == Status.starting: await asyncio.sleep(0.01) if self.status == Status.running: return if self.status == Status.closed: raise ValueError("Cluster is closed") self.config = dask.config.get("cloudprovider.ecs", {}) for attr in [ "aws_access_key_id", "aws_secret_access_key", "cloudwatch_logs_default_retention", "cluster_name_template", "environment", "fargate_scheduler", "fargate_spot", "fargate_workers", "fargate_use_private_ip", "n_workers", "platform_version", "region_name", "scheduler_cpu", "scheduler_mem", "scheduler_port", "scheduler_timeout", "skip_cleanup", "tags", "task_role_policies", "worker_cpu", "worker_gpu", # TODO Detect whether cluster is GPU capable "worker_mem", "worker_nthreads", "vpc", ]: self.update_attr_from_config(attr=attr, private=True) self._check_scheduler_port_config() self._check_scheduler_tls_config() # Cleanup any stale resources before we start if not self._skip_cleanup: await _cleanup_stale_resources( aws_access_key_id=self._aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=self._aws_secret_access_key, region_name=self._region_name, ) if self.image is None: if self._worker_gpu: self.image = self.config.get("gpu_image") else: self.image = self.config.get("image") if self._scheduler_extra_args is None: comma_separated_args = self.config.get("scheduler_extra_args") self._scheduler_extra_args = ( comma_separated_args.split(",") if comma_separated_args else None ) if self._worker_extra_args is None: comma_separated_args = self.config.get("worker_extra_args") self._worker_extra_args = ( comma_separated_args.split(",") if comma_separated_args else None ) if self.cluster_arn is None: self.cluster_arn = ( self.config.get("cluster_arn") or await self._create_cluster() ) if self.cluster_name is None: async with self._client("ecs") as ecs: [cluster_info] = ( await ecs.describe_clusters(clusters=[self.cluster_arn]) )["clusters"] self.cluster_name = cluster_info["clusterName"] if self._execution_role_arn is None: self._execution_role_arn = ( self.config.get("execution_role_arn") or await self._create_execution_role() ) if self._task_role_arn is None: self._task_role_arn = ( self.config.get("task_role_arn") or await self._create_task_role() ) if self._cloudwatch_logs_stream_prefix is None: self._cloudwatch_logs_stream_prefix = self.config.get( "cloudwatch_logs_stream_prefix" ).format(cluster_name=self.cluster_name) if self.cloudwatch_logs_group is None: self.cloudwatch_logs_group = ( self.config.get("cloudwatch_logs_group") or await self._create_cloudwatch_logs_group() ) if self._vpc == "default": async with self._client("ec2") as client: self._vpc = await get_default_vpc(client) if self._vpc_subnets is None: async with self._client("ec2") as client: self._vpc_subnets = self.config.get("subnets") or await get_vpc_subnets( client, self._vpc ) if self._security_groups is None: self._security_groups = ( self.config.get("security_groups") or await self._create_security_groups() ) if self.scheduler_task_definition_arn is None: self.scheduler_task_definition_arn = ( await self._create_scheduler_task_definition_arn() ) if self.worker_task_definition_arn is None: self.worker_task_definition_arn = ( await self._create_worker_task_definition_arn() ) options = { "client": self._client, "cluster_arn": self.cluster_arn, "vpc_subnets": self._vpc_subnets, "security_groups": self._security_groups, "log_group": self.cloudwatch_logs_group, "log_stream_prefix": self._cloudwatch_logs_stream_prefix, "environment": self._environment, "tags": self.tags, "platform_version": self._platform_version, "fargate_use_private_ip": self._fargate_use_private_ip, } scheduler_options = { "task_definition_arn": self.scheduler_task_definition_arn, "fargate": self._fargate_scheduler, "fargate_capacity_provider": "FARGATE" if self._fargate_spot else None, "port": self._scheduler_port, "tls":, "task_kwargs": self._scheduler_task_kwargs, "scheduler_timeout": self._scheduler_timeout, "scheduler_extra_args": self._scheduler_extra_args, **options, } worker_options = { "task_definition_arn": self.worker_task_definition_arn, "fargate": self._fargate_workers, "fargate_capacity_provider": "FARGATE_SPOT" if self._fargate_spot else None, "cpu": self._worker_cpu, "nthreads": self._worker_nthreads, "mem": self._worker_mem, "gpu": self._worker_gpu, "extra_args": self._worker_extra_args, "task_kwargs": self._worker_task_kwargs, **options, } self.scheduler_spec = {"cls": Scheduler, "options": scheduler_options} self.new_spec = {"cls": Worker, "options": worker_options} self.worker_spec = {} for _ in range(self._n_workers): self.worker_spec.update(self.new_worker_spec()) if self._scheduler_address is not None: class SchedulerAddress(object): def __init__(self_): self_.address = self._scheduler_address self_.status = Status.running def __await__(self): async def _(): return self return _().__await__() self.scheduler = SchedulerAddress() with warn_on_duration( "10s", "Creating your cluster is taking a surprisingly long time. " "This is likely due to pending resources on AWS. " "Hang tight! ", ): await super()._start() def _new_worker_name(self, worker_number): """Returns new worker name.""" return self._workers_name_start + self._workers_name_step * worker_number @property def tags(self): return {**self._tags, **DEFAULT_TAGS, "cluster": self.cluster_name} async def _create_cluster(self): if not self._fargate_scheduler or not self._fargate_workers: raise RuntimeError("You must specify a cluster when not using Fargate.") if self._worker_gpu: raise RuntimeError( "It is not possible to use GPUs with Fargate. " "Please provide an existing cluster with GPU instances available. " ) self.cluster_name = dask.config.expand_environment_variables( self._cluster_name_template ) self.cluster_name = self.cluster_name.format(uuid=str(uuid.uuid4())[:10]) async with self._client("ecs") as ecs: response = await ecs.create_cluster( clusterName=self.cluster_name, tags=dict_to_aws(self.tags), capacityProviders=["FARGATE", "FARGATE_SPOT"], ) weakref.finalize(self, self.sync, self._delete_cluster) return response["cluster"]["clusterArn"] async def _delete_cluster(self): async with self._client("ecs") as ecs: async for page in ecs.get_paginator("list_tasks").paginate( cluster=self.cluster_arn, desiredStatus="RUNNING" ): for task in page["taskArns"]: await ecs.stop_task(cluster=self.cluster_arn, task=task) await ecs.delete_cluster(cluster=self.cluster_arn) @property def _execution_role_name(self): return "{}-{}".format(self.cluster_name, "execution-role") async def _create_execution_role(self): async with self._client("iam") as iam: response = await iam.create_role( RoleName=self._execution_role_name, AssumeRolePolicyDocument="""{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }""", Description="A role for ECS to use when executing", Tags=dict_to_aws(self.tags, upper=True), ) await iam.attach_role_policy( RoleName=self._execution_role_name, PolicyArn="arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly", ) await iam.attach_role_policy( RoleName=self._execution_role_name, PolicyArn="arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchLogsFullAccess", ) await iam.attach_role_policy( RoleName=self._execution_role_name, PolicyArn="arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceRole", ) weakref.finalize( self, self.sync, self._delete_role, self._execution_role_name ) return response["Role"]["Arn"] @property def _task_role_name(self): return "{}-{}".format(self.cluster_name, "task-role") async def _create_task_role(self): async with self._client("iam") as iam: response = await iam.create_role( RoleName=self._task_role_name, AssumeRolePolicyDocument="""{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }""", Description="A role for dask tasks to use when executing", Tags=dict_to_aws(self.tags, upper=True), ) for policy in self._task_role_policies: await iam.attach_role_policy( RoleName=self._task_role_name, PolicyArn=policy ) weakref.finalize(self, self.sync, self._delete_role, self._task_role_name) return response["Role"]["Arn"] async def _delete_role(self, role): async with self._client("iam") as iam: attached_policies = (await iam.list_attached_role_policies(RoleName=role))[ "AttachedPolicies" ] for policy in attached_policies: await iam.detach_role_policy( RoleName=role, PolicyArn=policy["PolicyArn"] ) await iam.delete_role(RoleName=role) async def _create_cloudwatch_logs_group(self): log_group_name = "dask-ecs" async with self._client("logs") as logs: groups = await logs.describe_log_groups() log_group_defs = groups["logGroups"] while groups.get("nextToken"): groups = await logs.describe_log_groups(nextToken=groups["nextToken"]) log_group_defs.extend(groups["logGroups"]) if log_group_name not in [ group["logGroupName"] for group in log_group_defs ]: await logs.create_log_group(logGroupName=log_group_name, tags=self.tags) await logs.put_retention_policy( logGroupName=log_group_name, retentionInDays=self._cloudwatch_logs_default_retention, ) # Note: Not cleaning up the logs here as they may be useful after the cluster is destroyed return log_group_name async def _create_security_groups(self): async with self._client("ec2") as client: group = await create_default_security_group( client, self.cluster_name, self._vpc ) weakref.finalize(self, self.sync, self._delete_security_groups) return [group] async def _delete_security_groups(self): timeout = Timeout( 30, "Unable to delete AWS security group " + self.cluster_name, warn=True ) async with self._client("ec2") as ec2: while try: await ec2.delete_security_group( GroupName=self.cluster_name, DryRun=False ) except Exception: await asyncio.sleep(2) break async def _create_scheduler_task_definition_arn(self): async with self._client("ecs") as ecs: response = await ecs.register_task_definition( family="{}-{}".format(self.cluster_name, "scheduler"), taskRoleArn=self._task_role_arn, executionRoleArn=self._execution_role_arn, networkMode="awsvpc", containerDefinitions=[ { "name": "dask-scheduler", "image": self.image, "cpu": self._scheduler_cpu, "memory": self._scheduler_mem, "memoryReservation": self._scheduler_mem, "essential": True, "command": [ "dask-scheduler", "--idle-timeout", self._scheduler_timeout, ] + ( list() if not self._scheduler_extra_args else self._scheduler_extra_args ), "ulimits": [ { "name": "nofile", "softLimit": 65535, "hardLimit": 65535, }, ], "logConfiguration": { "logDriver": "awslogs", "options": { "awslogs-region": ecs.meta.region_name, "awslogs-group": self.cloudwatch_logs_group, "awslogs-stream-prefix": self._cloudwatch_logs_stream_prefix, "awslogs-create-group": "true", }, }, "mountPoints": self._mount_points if self._mount_points and self._mount_volumes_on_scheduler else [], } ], volumes=self._volumes if self._volumes and self._mount_volumes_on_scheduler else [], requiresCompatibilities=["FARGATE"] if self._fargate_scheduler else [], cpu=str(self._scheduler_cpu), memory=str(self._scheduler_mem), tags=dict_to_aws(self.tags), ) weakref.finalize(self, self.sync, self._delete_scheduler_task_definition_arn) return response["taskDefinition"]["taskDefinitionArn"] async def _delete_scheduler_task_definition_arn(self): if not self._scheduler_task_definition_arn_provided: async with self._client("ecs") as ecs: await ecs.deregister_task_definition( taskDefinition=self.scheduler_task_definition_arn ) async def _create_worker_task_definition_arn(self): resource_requirements = [] if self._worker_gpu: resource_requirements.append( {"type": "GPU", "value": str(self._worker_gpu)} ) async with self._client("ecs") as ecs: response = await ecs.register_task_definition( family="{}-{}".format(self.cluster_name, "worker"), taskRoleArn=self._task_role_arn, executionRoleArn=self._execution_role_arn, networkMode="awsvpc", containerDefinitions=[ { "name": "dask-worker", "image": self.image, "cpu": self._worker_cpu, "memory": self._worker_mem, "memoryReservation": self._worker_mem, "resourceRequirements": resource_requirements, "essential": True, "command": [ "dask-cuda-worker" if self._worker_gpu else "dask-worker", "--nthreads", "{}".format( max(int(self._worker_cpu / 1024), 1) if self._worker_nthreads is None else self._worker_nthreads ), "--memory-limit", "{}MB".format(int(self._worker_mem)), "--death-timeout", "60", ] + ( list() if not self._worker_extra_args else self._worker_extra_args ), "ulimits": [ { "name": "nofile", "softLimit": 65535, "hardLimit": 65535, }, ], "logConfiguration": { "logDriver": "awslogs", "options": { "awslogs-region": ecs.meta.region_name, "awslogs-group": self.cloudwatch_logs_group, "awslogs-stream-prefix": self._cloudwatch_logs_stream_prefix, "awslogs-create-group": "true", }, }, "mountPoints": self._mount_points if self._mount_points else [], } ], volumes=self._volumes if self._volumes else [], requiresCompatibilities=["FARGATE"] if self._fargate_workers else [], cpu=str(self._worker_cpu), memory=str(self._worker_mem), tags=dict_to_aws(self.tags), ) weakref.finalize(self, self.sync, self._delete_worker_task_definition_arn) return response["taskDefinition"]["taskDefinitionArn"] async def _delete_worker_task_definition_arn(self): if not self._worker_task_definition_arn_provided: async with self._client("ecs") as ecs: await ecs.deregister_task_definition( taskDefinition=self.worker_task_definition_arn ) def logs(self): async def get_logs(task): log = "" async for line in task.logs(): log += "{}\n".format(line) return Log(log) scheduler_logs = { "scheduler - {}".format(self.scheduler.address): self.sync( get_logs, self.scheduler ) } worker_logs = { "worker {} - {}".format(key, worker.address): self.sync(get_logs, worker) for key, worker in self.workers.items() } return Logs({**scheduler_logs, **worker_logs}) def _check_scheduler_port_config(self): port_value = None if "--port" in (self._scheduler_extra_args or []): port_param_index = self._scheduler_extra_args.index("--port") port_value_index = port_param_index + 1 if port_value_index < len(self._scheduler_extra_args): port_value = int(self._scheduler_extra_args[+1]) if port_value: if port_value != self._scheduler_port: warnings.warn( f"--port provided in scheduler_extra_args ({port_value}) did not " "match port provided in cluster configuration " f"({self._scheduler_port}). This can be OK if the task has port " "mappings to map the scheduler's internal port to this external " "port value. If the cluster fails to connect to the scheduler, try " "setting these to the same value." ) elif self._scheduler_port != 8786: warnings.warn( f"non-default scheduler port ({self._scheduler_port}) was " "specified, but no port override was found in " "scheduler_extra_args. This can be OK if the port is overridden in " "the scheduler configuration elsewhere, or if there is a port " "mapping in the task to map the scheduler port to the specified " "port." ) def _check_scheduler_tls_config(self): scheduler_has_tls_config = any( map( lambda arg: type(arg) == "str" and arg.startswith("--tls"), self._scheduler_extra_args or [], ) ) if scheduler_has_tls_config != protocol = "tls" if else "tcp" scheduler_had_tls_config = ( "had tls configuration" if scheduler_has_tls_config else "did not have any tls configuration" ) warnings.warn( "the cluster was instructed to connect to the scheduler using " f"{protocol} but the scheduler {scheduler_had_tls_config}. " "This can be OK if there is a load balancer in front of the scheduler " "that changes the protocol, or if TLS settings are overwritten in the " "scheduler task definition. But otherwise the cluster may not work." )
[docs]class FargateCluster(ECSCluster): """Deploy a Dask cluster using Fargate on ECS This creates a dask scheduler and workers on a Fargate powered ECS cluster. If you do not configure a cluster one will be created for you with sensible defaults. Parameters ---------- kwargs: dict Keyword arguments to be passed to :class:`ECSCluster`. Examples -------- The ``FargateCluster`` will create a new Fargate ECS cluster by default along with all the IAM roles, security groups, and so on that it needs to function. >>> from import FargateCluster >>> cluster = FargateCluster() Note that in many cases you will want to specify a custom Docker image to ``FargateCluster`` so that Dask has the packages it needs to execute your workflow. >>> from import FargateCluster >>> cluster = FargateCluster(image="<hub-user>/<repo-name>[:<tag>]") To run cluster with workers using Fargate Spot (<>) set ``fargate_spot=True`` >>> from import FargateCluster >>> cluster = FargateCluster(fargate_spot=True) One strategy to ensure that package versions match between your custom environment and the Docker container is to create your environment from an ``environment.yml`` file, export the exact package list for that environment using ``conda list --export > package-list.txt``, and then use the pinned package versions contained in ``package-list.txt`` in your Dockerfile. You could use the default `Dask Dockerfile <>`_ as a template and simply add your pinned additional packages. Notes ----- **IAM Permissions** To create a ``FargateCluster`` the cluster manager will need to use various AWS resources ranging from IAM roles to VPCs to ECS tasks. Depending on your use case you may want the cluster to create all of these for you, or you may wish to specify them yourself ahead of time. Here is the full minimal IAM policy that you need to create the whole cluster: .. code-block:: json { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress", "ec2:CreateSecurityGroup", "ec2:CreateTags", "ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces", "ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups", "ec2:DescribeSubnets", "ec2:DescribeVpcs", "ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup", "ecs:CreateCluster", "ecs:DescribeTasks", "ecs:ListAccountSettings", "ecs:RegisterTaskDefinition", "ecs:RunTask", "ecs:StopTask", "ecs:ListClusters", "ecs:DescribeClusters", "ecs:DeleteCluster", "ecs:ListTaskDefinitions", "ecs:DescribeTaskDefinition", "ecs:DeregisterTaskDefinition", "iam:AttachRolePolicy", "iam:CreateRole", "iam:TagRole", "iam:PassRole", "iam:DeleteRole", "iam:ListRoles", "iam:ListRoleTags", "iam:ListAttachedRolePolicies", "iam:DetachRolePolicy", "logs:DescribeLogGroups", "logs:GetLogEvents", "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:PutRetentionPolicy" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": [ "*" ] } ], "Version": "2012-10-17" } If you specify all of the resources yourself you will need a minimal policy of: .. code-block:: json { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "ec2:CreateTags", "ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces", "ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups", "ec2:DescribeSubnets", "ec2:DescribeVpcs", "ecs:DescribeTasks", "ecs:ListAccountSettings", "ecs:RegisterTaskDefinition", "ecs:RunTask", "ecs:StopTask", "ecs:ListClusters", "ecs:DescribeClusters", "ecs:ListTaskDefinitions", "ecs:DescribeTaskDefinition", "ecs:DeregisterTaskDefinition", "iam:ListRoles", "iam:ListRoleTags", "logs:DescribeLogGroups", "logs:GetLogEvents" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": [ "*" ] } ], "Version": "2012-10-17" } """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(fargate_scheduler=True, fargate_workers=True, **kwargs)
async def _cleanup_stale_resources(**kwargs): """Clean up any stale resources which are tagged with 'createdBy': 'dask-cloudprovider'. This function will scan through AWS looking for resources that were created by the ``ECSCluster`` class. Any ECS clusters which do not have any running tasks will be deleted and then any supporting resources such as task definitions security groups and IAM roles that are not associated with an active cluster will also be deleted. The ``ECSCluster`` should clean up after itself when it is garbage collected however if the Python process is terminated without notice this may not happen. Therefore this is useful to remove shrapnel from past failures. """ # Clean up clusters (clusters with no running tasks) session = get_session() async with session.create_client("ecs", **kwargs) as ecs: active_clusters = [] clusters_to_delete = [] async for page in ecs.get_paginator("list_clusters").paginate(): clusters = ( await ecs.describe_clusters( clusters=page["clusterArns"], include=["TAGS"] ) )["clusters"] for cluster in clusters: if set(DEFAULT_TAGS.items()) <= set( aws_to_dict(cluster["tags"]).items() ): if ( cluster["runningTasksCount"] == 0 and cluster["pendingTasksCount"] == 0 ): clusters_to_delete.append(cluster["clusterArn"]) else: active_clusters.append(cluster["clusterName"]) for cluster_arn in clusters_to_delete: await ecs.delete_cluster(cluster=cluster_arn) # Clean up task definitions (with no active clusters) async for page in ecs.get_paginator("list_task_definitions").paginate(): for task_definition_arn in page["taskDefinitionArns"]: response = await ecs.describe_task_definition( taskDefinition=task_definition_arn, include=["TAGS"] ) task_definition = response["taskDefinition"] task_definition["tags"] = response["tags"] task_definition_cluster = aws_to_dict(task_definition["tags"]).get( "cluster" ) if set(DEFAULT_TAGS.items()) <= set( aws_to_dict(task_definition["tags"]).items() ): if ( task_definition_cluster is None or task_definition_cluster not in active_clusters ): await ecs.deregister_task_definition( taskDefinition=task_definition_arn ) # Clean up security groups (with no active clusters) async with session.create_client("ec2", **kwargs) as ec2: async for page in ec2.get_paginator("describe_security_groups").paginate( Filters=[{"Name": "tag:createdBy", "Values": ["dask-cloudprovider"]}] ): for group in page["SecurityGroups"]: sg_cluster = aws_to_dict(group["Tags"]).get("cluster") if sg_cluster is None or sg_cluster not in active_clusters: await ec2.delete_security_group( GroupName=group["GroupName"], DryRun=False ) # Clean up roles (with no active clusters) async with session.create_client("iam", **kwargs) as iam: async for page in iam.get_paginator("list_roles").paginate(): for role in page["Roles"]: role["Tags"] = ( await iam.list_role_tags(RoleName=role["RoleName"]) ).get("Tags") if set(DEFAULT_TAGS.items()) <= set(aws_to_dict(role["Tags"]).items()): role_cluster = aws_to_dict(role["Tags"]).get("cluster") if role_cluster is None or role_cluster not in active_clusters: attached_policies = ( await iam.list_attached_role_policies( RoleName=role["RoleName"] ) )["AttachedPolicies"] for policy in attached_policies: await iam.detach_role_policy( RoleName=role["RoleName"], PolicyArn=policy["PolicyArn"] ) await iam.delete_role(RoleName=role["RoleName"])